Make a Various Personality in The Unity

Some people in the world became increase like as the big stream in the north pole which carry some materials and have a various flucktuance to be a stabil positions. Many people in the world must work in hard to fulfill many everything what are needed to be used for this time. The things what are seriously founded use the big power to reach it. Nobody cant deny it and we want to make a convidential condition among the people in the world. From this we can work together without choose any spesifict characteristic mindset.
The big problem in this millenium there are many conflict arround the world. Everybody dont care about it. Almost of people dont want to solve this problem because it has any risk and will carry a continuous crisis. As the my country there are many conflict from government to Indonesian people. A little conflict cause a big damage. Like the conflict one person to another, it has appear the big emotional thempered so everyone use the criminal methode to solve their problem. Without act in criminal a half of them are not satisfied. Moreover that we have a discussion to solve the problem, a little people make a provocatoin so the problem is still running and running and it’s hard to be ended.
I think we must become a calm people but we must work in hard to reach our purpose without held a criminal conspirachy. As a student we must study hard but take a part in an any activities in our fields, as a political government they must obey any obligations seriously and dont make any wrong statement to judge everyone who make any mistake or false attitude because of them the reputation about the nation will be a bed profilling almost the people not onby at the one country but also from the international world will judge too.
The way to make we are soulmate and make or creat a big change we must look at our selves. I think the world is put on our brian that will execute any strategic and make the beautiful future in the next day. Youth can bring the world look like as we bring any thing to the some place in the world. We can definite the most popularity issue in the world by changing ouur selves. We have to start it from child under 10 years old and it must be continue or be repaired in the day after to follow the updating style in this globalization. I think the attitude will be definiated since we are children. And dont forget about the familly, good education and friends will interupt this way as a water in the river, sometimes it stop and continue if the the stream of water have a big commount. So, the power to change our life and our future stay on our mind and our action. We must know how to use it well. The people cant use their brian correctly and they think what are they doing is always correct and never meet any mistake. Thats a big problem in our mind. Think that any action has a consequences that is not always come true but sometimes wrong. To do the best alternative strategic we must learn the succesfull people. We must have a figure that shows the best performance a long their life. We must choose the people who make me spirit and inspiring our life. It can brings our mind like them and from it we will imitate any beautiful attitude and behavior. We trust that the possitive idea will define our future and its seriously being contructed to be the luxiourus life a long our live. If we can imitate our figure it is the first way to repair our attitude and our behavior. But we must think that our figure is the best, not a criminal person and dont have a bed thinking. So the figure are the best people from the day.
If we success to create the convenience conditions dont forget to take a part more activities with other. Life without other is meaningless. We must increase our social conditions with other, from it we can creat a “live community” what is from the ground or familiar personality. We must become a one part of them so we will be the partition of them and any problem we can solve together,. It is a good frame to collect the beautiful community and the one way to contruct the solid country. Why? The country actually consist of many community, region, religion, nation, and many spesifict or characteristict from one group to another group. If we can collect them at one frame we can life peacefully. But it is not to easy to do it., one of the best strategic of this we must enter more variuous community and learn what is the activity that make them happy or feel convenient. One value or pessage from one community must be comparaetd with other community and we learn what si the same paradigma and it has to be showed in differential community. The community can life together if there ara any little same paradigme although almost of them is different. It can create the best value to be showed in the public figure to be immitated. We must endeavour to avoid any crisis wich appears in a local community at the first.
Two ways above is one way to repair our mind and it has to be continued to make we “one” and have more different characteristict. The different idea and mindset but stay at the same region or community will establish the colourfull life because we have any various mindset but we are the one. If there is not different one to other its like a monoton life. Some time we need a different idea and probably with the different it takes the big advantages. One to another are industrious to help, work, study and creat the good event or agenda to increase the best or great performance of our live. Life is meanigfull if we can use our brian correctly and make an aculturations with another team paradigma.


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